Final Note
To prepare the present chronology of the life and work of Miguel Torga I resorted to reading the sixteen volumes of Diary and the autobiographic novel The Creation of the World. I also consulted for this purpose the documentation of the legacy of Miguel Torga deposited in the Municipal House of Culture of Coimbra. I also highlight reading the book by Clara Rocha, Miguel Torga: Fotobiografia, Lisbon, D. Quixote, 2000, a fundamental piece to study biographic aspects of Miguel Torga. 
other bibliographic sources: Andrade, Carlos Santarém, Os dias de Coimbra na obra de Miguel Torga, Coimbra, Municipality of Coimbra / Regional Coordination Commission of the Centre, 2003; Melo, José de, Miguel Torga, Lisbon, Arcádia, 1960; Melo, José de, Miguel Torga: fotobiobibliografia, Aveiro, Estante Editora, 1995; Moreiro, José Maria, Eu, Miguel Torga, Lisbon, Difel, 2001. Nunes, Renato, Miguel Torga e a Pide, Coimbra, Minerva, 2007.
Carlos Mendes de Sousa